
A few Updates!

First off, I wanted to thank every for voting in my poll!! I really appreciate it!!!

Just wanted to give everyone a little update on the kids. Kaiden is as bad as ever. LOL He is trying his hardest to talk... but I cant understand a thing he says.

He says "Night" and "bye" when he goes to sleep at night. The other night he repeated "I love you" but it sounded like "NNAA NNUUU".

He has started walking around the house with his hands behind his back and would stay outside all day long if we would let him.

Elizabeth is flopping all over the place (just currently flopped on the kitchen floor. Silly Girl.) She is getting the mechanics of crawling down. But has yet to really make any forward movement.

Here is an example. :)


Also a great example of Kaidens gibberish!

Elizabeth had her first spoon feeding of cereal! She absolutley loved it!


And just a few pictures of my favorite little people!!


  1. Aaaaawwwww!! She looks so big!! And I can't stop talking about Kaiden and his alien language. It still cracks me up thinking about it!

  2. LOL! yea, he definatley speaks a different language!
