
Oh how I hate this machine....

and I have only been using it for 1 night.

My new serger, that is. I have concluded it will be the death of me. I have an enormous headache and my eyes are bleeding, but I finally figured out what was causing the horrendous loops on the back of my fabric. LOL

I'm currently making Kaiden new night time diapers, and then I am moving on to my newest orders. :) (pictures soon)


The Diabolical Purse

So, my niece's purse.... its taking forever, and making my wrists and thumb hurt. But you know, its totally worth it!! I really hope she likes it, but I have this feeling that if I don't put some sort of princess fabric on the inside, its gonna end up in my sisters closet!! LOL

Here is the progress so far!

Here is an attempt to show you the coloring difference. Its crocheted with two strings of yarn. One baby pink and one purple. You cant really tell the difference... but it makes it look nice and its nice and sturdy.


A new kind of crazy!!!

So, both the kids are sleeping and I am sitting her crocheting Christmas presents. (not much money this year so lots of homemade gifts this year) I am currently working on my Niece's purse. I made her a little "chap stick holder" (at least that is what it was named after I was finished with it) and I am making her purse to match. I still have to make her one of two more things, my nephew a few things, my sister and my mom some stuff. I have NO IDEA what to make my brother in law or my father, so we may end up forking out some money for them.

But as I am sitting here I am trying to figure how I thought I could get all this done and still take care of my two kids.

I guess we shall see how it ends up.


Well, Hello there!

Hi. My name is Tasha. I am a fiance to Tyren,

and mother to Kaiden

and Elizabeth.

Yep, you saw that right. We are a mixed race family. Got a problem? Then discontinue ready now. I don't need any negativity....

I am a mom of all trades. I cook, clean, crochet, sew and many many more things.

We are your average dysfunctional family... Kaiden is your average toddler. Lots of bumps and bruises, constantly running around and talking his head off (even though most of it isn't English). Elizabeth is a very high maintenance little girl. She wants what she wants, when she wants it.

I have been debating creating this blog for some time now. Not quite sure what I would write about or if I would even be any good at it. As you can see I finally decided to start it and after many tiring hours of trying to figure out a name.. here I am!